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NEW STUDY PROVES: Masks Are Hazardous

A study published in Nature shows what’s already been known for decades: masks get quickly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and fungi. “The colony counts of

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WHO Back Track on PCR Tests.

WHO Information Notice for IVD Users On the 14th December the WHO released an Information Notice on their website stating that they have “received user

A grim warning from Israel

Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta Variant. Medical staff at a COVID-19 isolation unit in Ashkelon, Israel, last week. Officials worry a steep surge

Medical Mafia Alive and Well.

Italy bribery probe nets Sicily coronavirus response chief The outbreak put Italy’s health service under severe strain   Sicily’s coronavirus co-ordinator and nine other healthcare

Noteable Resignations Worldwide.

Notable Resignations Worldwide On Dec. 22, 2017 #QAnon asked us to “Track CEO Resignations” (see Q-Post #413). Since Dec. 26th, 2017 Resignations, Retirements, Firings and Deathcases

Event 201 – An “exercise”

Event 201 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event


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