Take 9 minutes to see hear for yourself how the World Health Organization Scientists Question Safety Of Vaccines.

This Shocking footage from inside The W.H.O. Global Vaccine Safety Summit on December 2 and 3 2019 lamenting about the LACK OF VACCINE SAFETY STUDIES. It certainly sounds as if these vaccines science leaders of the W.H.O. are using the General population as test samples.

World Health Organization’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, telling the world in a recorded advertisement sponsored by The World Health Organization that the public can rest assured that vaccines are perfectly safe. (see video) She states that the vaccine program has been “robustly” tested, perfectly monitored by medical authorities and their safety is assured.

5 days later, on December 3rd, 2019, (in the video above) she addresses the Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva Switzerland. Here she tells a completely different story- here she tells the truth, not knowing it would go viral.

She states: “we cannot overemphasize the fact that we really don’t have very good vaccine safety monitoring systems”.

Oh, what a difference 5 days makes!

At the same Vaccine Summit, it was admitted in-house by WHO doctors that there have been no vaccine safety trials in pregnant women at all, yet they are still strongly encouraging women to have multiple vaccines during pregnancy.

Professor Heidi Larson, Director, Vaccine Confidence Project, stated at the same WHO Summit: ” doctors are lucky if they get a half-day on vaccine education in their entire medical course… we have a very wobbly health professional front-line (doctors), that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines. That’s a huge problem”. Listen carefully here 8:09

And here’s the kicker- Professor Larson then states that much of what is ridiculed as anti-vaccine “misinformation” is not in fact misinformation at all. It is true.

We have been officially told that vaccines are completely safe and effective, that the science is settled, and we, the public, can have absolute faith that the authorities are vigilant in monitoring vaccine safety.

Then we have the Global Vaccine Safety Summit where many of the speakers, representing the very top doctors and scientists around the world, were lamenting the lack of vaccine safety studies.

This should be exposed on every current affairs program, all news and media outlets. But instead, we have silence.

Science is NEVER settled!

Watch Dr. Soumya Swaminathan lying below.

Sometimes you just have to ask yourself: WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT ? – #watcot


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Somtimes you just have to ask youself.


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What are the chances of that? #WATCOT

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